The contestants this year are just real plain which is a disappointment because some of them look quite decent at their local pageants. Apart from that, a lot of them have bad fashion sense. Read on..
Hot-shot/ Champion
5) Grace CHAN - Hong Kong

I am sure that she'll do well and I am rooting for her to be our third MCIP from Hong Kong.
Safe Bets
I have Grace in the position of champion already. I believe that none of the others can compete with her for the champion but the contestants below can fight for the runners-up. It will be quite a battle as the quality of them are all very average.
2) Thabkaew (Pemy) PERAMIN - Bangkok
She is a downgrade from last year's stunning representative but I believe that she will not look out of place if she is crowded. She is cute but she needs to make sure that she is able to communicate and perform well. Poppy of last year did all of that but still cannot manage to be crowded.
3) Bonny HU - Fushan China
I dun like any of the Mainland Chinese contestants of MCIP for some reasons. They just bug me a lot. Bonny is a media favorite. I think Bonny is going to do well but I hope that someone else would be crowded instead of her.
6) Zhiny OOI - KL
She is the tallest contestant this year, which gives her an advantage to stand-out among the crowd. She is quite cute as well. However, I dun like the dress she wore for the press-conference, it is just too much.
9) Lucia LORIGIANO - Montreal

Terrible Dress

To be honest, I think her sister, who competed in MCIP 2008, is much cuter. But..Lucia looks more mature compared to her sister then which is actually an advantage coz her sister was too raw when she was competing. I would not mind Lucia joining the top three but judging from previous years, it is pretty hard for mixed-beauties to make the cut, e.g. Jasmine Hayter.
On a side note, her dress looked terrible in the press-conference.
10) Maggie ZHANG - New York City
For some reason, I think that Maggie is going to flare and perform very well. She has that unique spark and aura coupled with a strong and powerful look.
14) Phyllis DAI - Sydney
15) Mandy LIANG - Toronto
I think Mandy's gorgeous and she is one of the strongest and tallest in the bunch. She also has that elegant aura in her so I'm rooting for her to do really well. She looks beautiful in the press conference.
16) Cindy ZHONG - Vancouver
Hailing from the powerhouse Vancouver, Cindy looks pretty decent. However, I would not like her to be crowded as I dun think she is that strong. But nothing is impossible, her plain predecessor Gloria Tang also managed to snatch the MCIP title last year. So, be prepared that she's going to do very well.
Hailing from the powerhouse Vancouver, Cindy looks pretty decent. However, I would not like her to be crowded as I dun think she is that strong. But nothing is impossible, her plain predecessor Gloria Tang also managed to snatch the MCIP title last year. So, be prepared that she's going to do very well.
P.S. Her dress looks so mainland and ugly...
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