For predictions, I have divided the contestants into categories such as champion material, top-shots and dark horses as usual. However, predictions this year is so much more difficult as the quality is so averagely high. So here it goes:
Champion Material
On a general note, this is what I want to happen. I feel that these two delegates deserve to win as they does stand out among the rest facially and have the eloquence to do quite well in the pageant. However, if there is a delegate who managed to charm the judges with their extreme eloquence, they may place higher than these two.
14) Emily Yu - Sydney

Emily is my favourite to win since the very beginning. Despite being gorgeous all the time, you can tell that she seems to be exhausted and frizzled during the competition. But who wouldn't, given the tight filming schedule of TVB? Hopefully she would look her best in the final night and maintain her elegance and eloquence. Another thing that worries me is her age. At 26, she is the most mature delegate in the batch. If she is crowned, she would also be the oldest winner to date.. which judges may take into account.
16) Maria Rincon - Vancouver

There is a reason why Vancouver is the powerhouse in MCI. This is because they send such competitive delegates every year. Although Maria is not one of the media favourites, she is very attractive that you can't miss her. She is also quite eloquent and bubbly which is a plus in the pageant. I do sometimes see Bernice Liu in her so fingers crossed, she would flare reli well in the pageant. (PS the thing that worries me is her body size. Not that she is fat or sth, she is indeed on the thick side)
Omg it is so difficult to pick as there are just so many.
2) Gam Wonglappanich - Bangkok

3) Crystal Fung - Hong Kong

Stunning. I'm surprised by her performance to be honest. Crystal has been looking her best since her crowning as Miss Hong Kong. I really hope she can make it to the top 3 but I feel that she would a top 5 placement would be her best.
(PS ain't that shot of her in the commercial just simply STUNNINGGGG. She has this very feminine aura when she smile with her mouth closed)
5) Serene Lim - KL

She would definitely be up there no doubt. She is a good representative for her city but I would be disappointed if she places in the top 3 as I think there are prettier girls.
Weaker Top-shots
I decided to put in this category as this year, there are contestants that are facially strong but yet I feel that they might not be able to outperform the contestants above or even some of the dark horses. They would have been strong top-shots if they compete in some other years.
7) Janne Zeng - Manila

Manila is back with a bang. Janne is perhaps the strongest contestant from Manila since 2003. She has the looks and the height. However, she does not manage to catch the media's attention and I have a feeling that she may not flare as well in the interview portion (although she speaks perfect Mandarin).
9) Bella Li - FuShan

Bella is strong. The reason why I think she won't flare as well is coz she is too aggressive at times. She is quite pretty and at times, I feel that she looks like Miss World 2012 Wenxia Yu from China.
Dark-horses are usually those who does not flare too well in the facial department but they are very eloquent.. so eloquent that they would eventually catch the judges' eyes solely on this element alone. Examples would be Rachel Tan (MCI 2003); Sarah Song (MCI 2007); Belle Theng (MCI 2010 1st Runner-up) and Mandy Chai (MCI 2015).
6) Lili Qu - Los Angeles

At the press conference she does looks quite plain to me albeit being very presentable. Her profile pic as well as the advertisement has in some way made her look like a really elegant and sophisticated Chinese lady. If she can keep this image, she might be able to sail through the competition with ease.
8) Gloria Rong - Melbourne

As mentioned, Gloria is a pretty girl. However, she does frizzled a lot during the packed filming schedule. If she rest well and look her best in the finals, she would be up there, as I have a feeling she might pull out a surprise via her communication skills.
10) Alice Zhang - Montreal

Alice surprises me by performing so well throughout the competition. She should at least be in the Top 10 for sure for looking fresh and energetic.
What I want to happen
Champion: (16) Maria Rincon - Vancouver
1st Runner-up: (14) Emily Yu - Sydney
2nd Runner-up: (3) Crystal Fung - HK
Top 5: (2) Gam Wonglappanich - Bangkok; (5) Serene Lim - KL
What I think will happen
Champion: (16) Maria Rincon - Vancouver
1st Runner-up: (5) Serene Lim - KL
2nd Runner-up: (14) Emily Yu - Sydney
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