Saturday, August 22, 2015

Getting positive

I have found a slight cure for my random negativeness recently. Yes!! After reading several articles on the internet, I have come up with several methods. To start off though, it would be best to point out some of the causes of my problems. One of the major issues is that I feel lonely at times because I felt that people do not understand me.

A very simple method to deal with this is to actually think of the stuff you have in common with your friends, e.g. traits, hobbies, personalities. When you start to look at things from this perspective, you will start to notice that we actually have a lot in common with the people we often hang out with. For this reason, the people around you do understand you. Although we do in fact have some difference, this is normal as everyone is unique.

Another method is to recall the time you spent with your friends. This may seem very normal but one will actually forget about this easily. Try to think of the time you guys had good times together or even have a fight and the recovery process. This would lead to the thinking that you are very fortunate to have people that are around you no matter what.

These methods help me and I hope this would also help people like me out there.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Mid-Way

After yet another relaxing and fun-filled travel, I am trying to gather my thoughts and start to prepare for my final year. There are actually quite a number of stuff to prepare: getting my way around what are the electives next year are about; seeking for more internships and training contract opportunities; researching for potential dissertation topics.

Concerning the first one, there's actually not much that I can do as some of the modules that the uni is offering are not offered in other uni as an LLB module, e.g. private international law. So, the small number of copycats in my uni who always copy other people's choices, please give it a break!! Even the people that you are copying are not sure about their choices.

Concerning the second one, it's damn hard. Such opportunities are very hard to get. The best way is most probably to try my best in my third year.

Concerning the third one, I am currently finding out which area of law is quickly developing. Hope I could find an area which is good to conduct research in.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Summer Travel - Aftermath

The initial reason for starting this blog is actually my interest in watching different beauty pageants and expressing my view on the contestants' performance, in particular, their intelligence and fashion.

As a perfectionist, I strive to outperform others by sharpening my wit. I always admire how pageant contestants can always speak so calmly in front of a group of audience and this is one of the reasons why I love watching pageants. Another reason is actually my interest in clothes. Despite not being the most trendy person in town (and will never be), I am always curious about the current trends and styles. Pageants is a perfect platform to look into this area and thus pageants, to me, are fun and entertaining to watch.

As of now, you would have probably seen a series of review of various beauty pageants. From now on, I would try to also blog about what's happening in my life and interesting stuff that I have found. This is out of the fact that this year in university have been so stressful that I think it would be good to have a place to express my feelings, dissolve my frustration, rant my anger, and yet, at the same time, to blog about positive things in life that makes me going strongly. So here it is, my first post on my life - which is actually written out of a sad moment, after having travelled with my family.

Don't get me wrong haha! The whole trip have been awesome. The thing is that having been in a relaxing place for 10+ days, you tend to feel exhausted when you are back in the hustle and bustle city of Hong Kong. Whenever I am exhausted, negative thoughts just keep on popping out of my mind - thought of going back to uni; fear of not securing a training contract; unwillingness to be pushed around by parents at home;  dream of developing some of my newly found interests (drama and dancing) etc....

To some people out there, you may think that my concerns are unequivocal to the concerns made by some less fortunate, e.g. the fear of running out of money for education by some. I admit, I am the kind of kid (guy) that was raised in a very protecting family. I don't reli have much challenges in my childhood apart from the fact that I have to perform well in exams to make my family proud. Therefore, these are the concerns that would break me down at times. I am still trying my best to fact my fears. Should I put myself out there and find something to distract my attention to my fears? Should I pray to God? These are the methods I am currently pursuing.

I'll keep the blog updated with my latest info. (This sounds so serious XD)