Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Mid-Way

After yet another relaxing and fun-filled travel, I am trying to gather my thoughts and start to prepare for my final year. There are actually quite a number of stuff to prepare: getting my way around what are the electives next year are about; seeking for more internships and training contract opportunities; researching for potential dissertation topics.

Concerning the first one, there's actually not much that I can do as some of the modules that the uni is offering are not offered in other uni as an LLB module, e.g. private international law. So, the small number of copycats in my uni who always copy other people's choices, please give it a break!! Even the people that you are copying are not sure about their choices.

Concerning the second one, it's damn hard. Such opportunities are very hard to get. The best way is most probably to try my best in my third year.

Concerning the third one, I am currently finding out which area of law is quickly developing. Hope I could find an area which is good to conduct research in.

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